For The Record -- Producing trial, hearing, wire tap, tax court, interview, investigational, family court and other transcripts accurately and on time since 1993.
FTR -- has been working with electronically-recorded court proceedings in Washington since their inception in the early 1990s with the first video court hearings in King County Superior Court.
Put decades of experience to work on your next transcript.
Of course an endorsement from a local legal professional is always nice: "You are the best court reporter I’ve ever worked with so the work is always going to you!" CP
FTR -- has been working with electronically-recorded court proceedings in Washington since their inception in the early 1990s with the first video court hearings in King County Superior Court.
Put decades of experience to work on your next transcript.
Of course an endorsement from a local legal professional is always nice: "You are the best court reporter I’ve ever worked with so the work is always going to you!" CP